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Mental Health Counseling

There are a variety of mental health resources available for the students and families of Riverton High School.  In addition to being able to access your school counselor to discuss mental health resources, we have a full-time psychologist, Ms. Elizabeth MacDougall, and a part-time psychologist, Ms. Janet Frazier on staff.  Our psychologists provide counseling services and run several groups.  We also have two school social workers, Mr. Jeremy Etherington and Ms. Shea Chandler on staff.  They provide individual counseling services at school and helps with referrals into the community for mental health resources.

They can be contacted at:
801-256-5838 (Ms. Elizabeth MacDougall, Psychologist). She can be emailed at:

801-256-5821 (Ms. Janet Frazier, Psychologist)  She can be emailed at:

801-256-5849 (Mr. Jeremy Etherington, Social Worker) He can be emailed at:

801-256-5853 (Ms. Shea Chandler, Social Worker) She can be emailed at:

The Jordan School District has The Jordan Family Education Center.  This center provides free individual and family counseling and evening classes for the students and families of the Jordan School District.  

You can contact the Jordan Family Education Center at: 801-565-7442 to register for classes or to schedule an intake appointment. 

The Jordan School District also has a Health and Wellness Department and Webpage with several resources for positive mental health and well-being along with many resources for students who are in crisis.