- Our school serves over 2,400 students, grades 10-12.
- At one time, we were the biggest high school in Utah with over 3,000 students.
- Teacher/pupil ratio is budgeted at 27.3 students per teacher, with actual class size varying among classes.
- RHS is on a traditional nine-month calendar, but it is on a block schedule. Students have eight classes. They have four classes every other day for 88 minutes each.
- Students must earn 27 credits to graduate.
- Riverton High School offers a broad curriculum. In addition to core classes, we offer a wide variety of electives.
- Technology training is available to all students, and is encouraged in most subjects, in addition to actual technology classes.
- Our technology classes are among the best in the state.
- Many of our students earn considerable college credit through the AP program. Our Art 2D Design, Drawing, English Literature, Music Theory, Statistics, and Photography classes all had pass rates of 70% or higher.
- Our science program has applied for and received large grants from private corporations like INTEL.
- Our choral and instrumental programs are excellent.
- There are many Honors and Advanced Placement courses available including concurrent enrollment courses.
- Our graduation rate is above 90%.
- All teachers and administrators are evaluated regularly.
- The counseling department has a full-time psychologist, in addition to six regular counselors and a vocational education specialist.
- Students are expected to abide by District dress code policy.
- Fee waivers are available for families that qualify.
- Special services are available to students with learning disabilities.
- A full extracurricular program is in place at RHS, including sports, forensics, drama, dance art, clubs, student government. etc.
- RHS has an active and supportive PTSA as well as a community group that meets monthly.
- Bus service is available to students who live more than two miles from the school.
- A hot lunch program is available for students for $2.00 per day.
- Adult visitors are welcome, but must check in at the main office upon arrival. Students from other schools are not permitted during school hours except under special circumstances.
- Twice each year students work at the school on a Saturday morning as part of "Silverwolf Day of Service".
- Our students and community have raised $1,803,450.70 since the opening of the school for numerous causes , through our "Silver Rush Fund Raiser."
