When a student is late to school or has been checked out and is returning to school they MUST check in through the Attendance Office. The check in time will be recorded and the student will be given a check in note to class. If parent/guardian has already excused the check in it will be considered excused and coded as “I” for excused check in. If any other class has been missed in addition to the class to which they are checking in they will be coded “G” for excused absence.
If parent/guardian has not excused the check in, the student will still be admitted with a check in note; the class will be coded as “U” for unexcused check in and “A” for unexcused absence for additional classes missed. Parents/guardians have 5 school days to excuse the check in by phone call or coming into the attendance office.
If the student is checking in due to a medical appointment or has been under a doctor’s care a medical note may be submitted for excusal that does not count against the students allowed attendance points. The doctor’s note must:
- Be an original note from a doctor’s office with a signature
- Include the date and students full name
- Must be submitted within 5 school days (All Doctor Notes must be submitted within the grading period of the absence, once a grade has been posted a Doctor Note will not be applied.)